Age Requirement: No age limit. Applicants under 18 need a parent or guardian's signature on the application form.
Repertoire Submission: The same repertoire can be submitted for multiple competitions.
Multiple Entries: Each entry in different categories/instruments/competitions requires a separate application form and audition materials.
Repertoire Changes: No changes allowed after submission.
Application Fees: Non-refundable.
Ownership of Entries: All entries become property of Concert Artists International and won't be returned.
Deadline Compliance: Entries must arrive by the Competition Deadline. Late or incomplete applications may be rejected.
Liability: Concert Artists International isn't liable for late, damaged, lost, misdirected, stolen, incomplete, or improperly submitted entries.
Multi-movement Work Rule: Only one movement counts as a single piece.
Video Submission: The video should feature the piece intended for performance at the Winners Concert, if selected.
Winners Recital Limitation: Only one piece allowed, no sets of different works.
Originality for Pianists: Only original compositions accepted, no simplified versions or arrangements.
Performance Criteria: Solo performances must be from memory, without repeats (except to complete phrases). Ensemble music need not be memorized.
Jury's Discretion: The jury can disqualify entries if the content is deemed inappropriate.
Platform: YouTube (one link per applicant).
Video Title Format: "Concert Artists International Competition 2024 - [Instrument]" (e.g., "Concert Artists International Competition 2025 - Piano").
Video Description: Include the full title of the work, movement (Roman numeral: Tempo), and Composer's first initial with full last name. (Do not put this info in the video title).
Anonymity: Do not include the participant's name on the video or channel name. Do not announce your name on the video.
Title Character Limit: If title info exceeds YouTube's limit, include the rest in the description box.
Video Orientation: Horizontal (landscape) format preferred.
Video Visibility: Set to 'Unlisted'.
Video Recency: Must be recorded within the past 6 months.
Visibility Requirements:
For pianists: Face, hands, feet with pedals, and keyboard must be visible.
For other instrumentalists: Face and fingers must be visible.
Recording Rules: One-take only, no editing, enhancements, or merging multiple takes.
Attire: Wear appropriate performance attire.
Piano Accompaniment: Required for instrumental or vocal pieces with a piano part. Pre-recorded tracks are acceptable, although live piano accompaniment is preferred.
Full Performance: Prepare the entire movement or piece (no cuts or edits). If it exceeds the time limit for your category, make the necessary cuts before recording; make sure the cuts make sense musically.
Panel consists of high-quality musicians and teachers.
Names undisclosed until winner announcement to maintain fairness.
Jury Decisions: Final and not subject to appeal.
Winner Selection: Based only on the submitted video recordings.
Multiple Winners: Possible in each age category.
Fair Judging: Applications reviewed and judged separately by age/grade category.
Feedback: Post-competition written feedback provided by professional musicians and teachers to all applicants.
Winner's Concert: Winners have the option to defer their performance for up to 12 months without having to re-apply.
All prize winners will receive an award certificate and will be listed on the winners' list on our website.
Carnegie Hall Performer's Certificate - will only be issued to those who performed in the Winners' Concert at Carnegie Hall.
Those who deferred their performance will get their certificate after their Carnegie Hall performance.
Recital Guidelines: Detailed instructions emailed to each winner.
Winner's Bio and Photo: Required for the program.
Recital Performance: Only ONE audition piece/movement within the time limit.
Only piano accompaniment allowed; no acoustic systems provided.
Participants must bring their piano accompanist.
Concert Artists International offers a list of collaborative pianists, but does not provide one.
Personal Expenses: Participants responsible for all travel, housing, and related expenses.
Photo/Video Rules:
No personal photo/video recording allowed at the recital (Carnegie Hall policy).
Professional photographer provided for performance photos.
Solo Participant: $400
Ensemble Participant: $250 per person (same inclusions as solo participant).
Performance/photo fees are non-refundable.
By entering the Competition, an applicant releases and holds Concert Artists International harmless from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person, including personal injury, death, or property damage, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any Award, participation in the Competition and/or Recital, any breach of the Competition Rules, or any Award-related activity. The applicant agrees to fully indemnify Concert Artists International from any and all claims by third parties relating to the Competition, without limitation.
Concert Artists International is not responsible cancellations or delays due to malfunctioning of equipment in the venues or inclement weather. Concert Artists International reserves the rights to make changes in the schedule.
By participating in the Competition, an applicant grants to Concert Artists International the right to use his/her Personal Information for publicity and promotional purposes relating to the Competition, in print and media without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.
Concert Artists International Organizational Committee reserves the rights to make any changes in the rules, regulations and policy.
© 2025 Concert Artists International™ | All Rights Reserved | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Carnegie Hall Images Photo Credit: Jeff Goldberg / Esto
Professional performance presentation in Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall
Dress rehearsal/sound check time in Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall (optional but recommended)
Set of digital photos taken by a professional photographer (emailed to each participant)
Your name and photo appearing on a professionally designed poster displayed at Carnegie Hall
Your name, photo, and instrument/voice type appearing on the Carnegie Hall website
Professionally designed program booklet with each performer's biography and photo
Award certificate (Carnegie Hall Performer's Certificate)
Official letter stating that you performed at Carnegie Hall
Award Plaque (CAI Winner, Carnegie Hall)
Tote Bag (especially designed for the Carnegie Hall performers)
Teacher’s appreciation certificate
Up to two complimentary tickets
Recommendation letter for college, scholarships, summer programs, etc. (by request only)
Opportunity to defer your Carnegie Hall performance for a year without having to re-apply (Grand, First, Second, and Third Prize winners only)