Not available to perform at Carnegie Hall on this date? You can still apply and compete for a prize or defer your Carnegie Hall performance for a year without having to re-apply.
© 2025 Concert Artists International™ | All Rights Reserved | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Carnegie Hall Images Photo Credit: Jeff Goldberg / Esto
Professional performance presentation in Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall
Dress rehearsal/sound check time in Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall (optional but recommended)
Set of digital photos taken by a professional photographer (emailed to each participant)
Your name and photo appearing on a professionally designed poster displayed at Carnegie Hall
Your name, photo, and instrument/voice type appearing on the Carnegie Hall website
Professionally designed program booklet with each performer's biography and photo
Award certificate (Carnegie Hall Performer's Certificate)
Official letter stating that you performed at Carnegie Hall
Award Plaque (CAI Winner, Carnegie Hall)
Tote Bag (especially designed for the Carnegie Hall performers)
Teacher’s appreciation certificate
Up to two complimentary tickets
Recommendation letter for college, scholarships, summer programs, etc. (by request only)
Opportunity to defer your Carnegie Hall performance for a year without having to re-apply (Grand, First, Second, and Third Prize winners only)